Performance collage

This early series represents one of the key trends in Vancouver performance art history: the intersection of experimental literature, poetry, music, and the rhythms of live speech. Grunt's first series of performance poetry took place between September 6 and 15, 1991, and included a variety of staged readings, spoken word, musical performances, slide shows and other poetic experiments. The series featured the work Sheri-D Wilson, Madeleine Morris, Diane Wood, Jamila Ismail, Yvonne Parent, Maxine Gadd, Margaret Dragu, Sandra Lockwood, Elizabeth Fischer, and Alice Tepexcuintle. Read Judy Radul's text on the politics of the female voice: "Spoken are In The Air or Stuck in the Craw," included in the series programme.

Vancouver Performance Poets Series logo - 1991

“Damon Nomad” - Jamila Ismail looking up audience on floor
“Statistics” - Sheri D Wilson reading, guitarist at grunt
Margaret Dragu seated at kitchen table newspaper articles on wall behind her
Sandra Lockwood at grunt gallery gesturing behind keyboard